Sunday, June 18, 2006

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Lately, I find puddles interesting.

I watch them, as they watch the world go by.

They watch me too, as I watch the world go by.


This is a piece about people, that in our endless search for contentment, have overstretched ourselves. We become thin and dry on the inside as we desperately try to reach higher places, towering over each other, outdoing each other.
Well, I'm not saying such a thing is wrong. It is only human nature to do so. It used to be fun in the past. Unfortunately, it is now but a tedious daily ritual, at least for me. Once in a while, if only you'd take a step back and look around, thats the feeling you'd probably get from people going by. Some, already broken by it.
It drives people insane, don't you think so?
Or is it just Singapore?

Sunday, June 11, 2006



Here's a place for my photographs.
A while ago, I was thinking about my huge stash of photographs saved up in my computer, and wondering if it would be a good idea to find a decent place to display some of them. Partly because it's getting kinda tedious storing some of them, which received no criticisms, no commendations whatsoever, since no one else but I get to see them.

So here we go. Don't ask me what "renoekoh" stands for. I just dreamt about this word one night. I haven't even figured out its pronounciation yet. Don't even think of trying. The pronounciation is up to me to invent. So yeah...

Oh by the way people, do give me your CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms, AND praises, only when there's the real urge to. Note that I'm putting my ego on the line here. Be gentle. It's a place for my self-improvement. And ego-inflation.