Saturday, December 30, 2006

In Circles

Nobody stays at the top of the ferris wheel forever.
And neither does anyone remain at the bottom all his life .

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


You are not
who you think you are.
Neither are you
what others think you are.
You are what you think
other people think you are.

Friday, November 24, 2006

On The Road Again!

Mr Mat Rempit
Vroom Vroom!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Walk the Walk

Nil Sine Labore
See you at the top.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Chameleon

Not the second home.
I wonder if this suffocates you.


Hiya fellow inmates!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Fence Sitters


We'll watch what happens.
And enjoy the show.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Excuse Me

Ah, I've noticed my counter jumping rather consistently.
But not so for my comment boxes.
This means that there are blog stalkers here,
and blog stalking is bad, people.
Of course, I'm actually quite flattered by this fact,
but it's only polite to leave a comment(critique?) here
since this is a place for my self-improvement
and a lil' bit of ego-inflation.
Therefore, I present you this picture
This photography pretty much expressed
my simultaneous elation and fustration.
So, thank you.
And fuck you.
Oh, 2nd point,
feel free to use to photographs here,
BUT, do not use the pictures out of the context
in which they were taken
or distort its meaning.
And of course, give credits where it's due,
like what I'd just done.
Otherwise, all the bad things in life will happen to you.
You, and you alone and nobody else.
Remember - comment. =)

Friday, September 29, 2006


At the end of every great experience,
we walk out of it enthralled,
by the fact that it happened to us
and not somebody else.
Brisbane trip with the VSCB was one of 'em.
We all want to carry such fantastic memories along
as our lives go on; in a pocket or something.
Once in a while, looking back,
just wished we could get back in there.
It's a bittersweet thing.
Bitter; in the sickening apathy that numbs
you to the guts as we plunge back into daily life.
You ought to know what's sweet about it.
I'll leave it to you.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

No-win Situation

Thinks like a cat.

Acts like a dog.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams

Awhile ago, I woke up with this song of Dean Martin on my mind.

"When skies are cloudy and grey,

they're only grey for a day."

"So, wrap your troubles in dreams,

and dream your troubles away."

The words didn't make any sense to me,

but it sure sounded good.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I Can't Get Started

Dear Letterbox,
would you tell me, please,
why can't I get started?
Yours sincerely,

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hello To You!

Aah, fellow photog!
Nice to meet you.

Friday, September 01, 2006

One More Trip Back To Birdland

Seeing eternity in a second.
Remember to catch it.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

But Beautiful

Ju Ling's winning birthday card.
Lucky you that it had gotten 2nd prize.
I love my sunsets as much as sunrises.
But I take the former as my reward
at the end of each day.
Sunrises - they take my mind off the dread
of starting each day with school.
"Same shit. Different day." -Egoman

Friday, August 11, 2006

Too Blind

They say there's nothing I can do
but talk to strangers and wait for it.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Keep On Running

Somebody once told me,
if you want something very badly,
and if you believe in it long enough,
you will receive it eventually,
by the grace of God.
Be patient. Don't stop running.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Lately, I find puddles interesting.

I watch them, as they watch the world go by.

They watch me too, as I watch the world go by.


This is a piece about people, that in our endless search for contentment, have overstretched ourselves. We become thin and dry on the inside as we desperately try to reach higher places, towering over each other, outdoing each other.
Well, I'm not saying such a thing is wrong. It is only human nature to do so. It used to be fun in the past. Unfortunately, it is now but a tedious daily ritual, at least for me. Once in a while, if only you'd take a step back and look around, thats the feeling you'd probably get from people going by. Some, already broken by it.
It drives people insane, don't you think so?
Or is it just Singapore?

Sunday, June 11, 2006



Here's a place for my photographs.
A while ago, I was thinking about my huge stash of photographs saved up in my computer, and wondering if it would be a good idea to find a decent place to display some of them. Partly because it's getting kinda tedious storing some of them, which received no criticisms, no commendations whatsoever, since no one else but I get to see them.

So here we go. Don't ask me what "renoekoh" stands for. I just dreamt about this word one night. I haven't even figured out its pronounciation yet. Don't even think of trying. The pronounciation is up to me to invent. So yeah...

Oh by the way people, do give me your CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms, AND praises, only when there's the real urge to. Note that I'm putting my ego on the line here. Be gentle. It's a place for my self-improvement. And ego-inflation.